Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Caleb's New Hair

Caleb's new hair. Picture sent from his I-phone from Virginia. Thanks, Caleb!

Nathan & Europe

Nathan in Sorrento, Italy.

Bryce & Gymnastics

Bryce performing a stradle jump from the mini-tramp during his year end performance.

June Update

So, today is the last day of June and I haven't posted since the end of May! Here's an update on everyone, youngest to oldest:

Bryce: Finished up the year with perfect attendance. Performed in the year-end gymnastics programs and did a great job! Participated in VBS the first week of June and played his electric guitar in the Praise Band. Enjoyed a visit from his cousin, Riley, who lives in Missouri. Made a trip to Arlington, twice. Once to spend the weekend with his friend Steven and once with the family on a trip with our friends, the Webbs. Has done a lot of swimming, so far!

Nathan: Made a successful and enjoyable trip to Europe. He visited Buckingham Palace, London Tower, Westminster Abby, Stonehenge, the Blue Grotto, Pompeii, Bath, and other great things I can't remember right now. In his free time, he has been at the band hall or on the computer playing WOW. Nathan also made the trip to Arlington with the Webbs. While there, he hooked up with his friends Danny and Alex (twin brothers to Bryce's friend Steven)!

Adam: Has been working everyday and saving money for next semester. He sent me an e-mail recently with his really cool "work" info as his signature: Technical Support Representative, Texas Digital Systems Inc. Adam will be home on Friday for a week! I miss him so much!

Caleb: Working for Lockheed-Martin in Manasses, VA. He just got a great new haircut. I will post a picture he sent. He went camping last weekend with some other interns. He had a good time.

Alisa: About three weeks ago, Alisa indicated she was seriously considering joining the Air Force. We are so proud of her.

Barb: Helped with VBS the first week of June. Made two trips to see family I've never met - one trip to Pickton, TX to meet my "Burnes" family and one trip to OKC to meet my "Johnson" family. That was LOADS of fun because I am really getting interested in family genealogy. I've been planning a family reunion for my "Lee" family. That happens here in Midland on August 1. I am concentrating on living each day to the fullest without regret for yesterday or worry about tomorrow. I realized how fast time flies. I blink and a week has passed. I am so excited about things upcoming that it is hard to stay focused on the here and now. So, I find myself missing the pleasure of today.

Eric: Made huge progress on his shop! He has gotten the foundation poured and the shop framed. Next week he will have it bricked. He has also gotten 1/3 of our super long, extra drive-way poured. We are doing it in stages. He works so hard all day in the heat and then manages to come up and work outside around here until dark. I don't know how he does it. What a great guy!

Upcoming: Our family trip to Disneyland and Nathan goes to band camp.